The experimental basis is the same as the original bending test: soil threads which are 3 mm in diameter and 52 mm long are bent until they start to crack, so that both the bending produced and its related moisture content are determined. In the present paper a version of the original bending test is shown. In an earlier study by the authors, a simple method with a simple device to determine the PL was presented (the "thread bending test" or simply "bending test") this method allowed the PL to be obtained with minimal operator interference. Different alternative methods have been put forward, but they cannot compete with the standard rolling test in speed, simplicity and cost.

It has been widely criticized, because a considerable subjective judgment from the operator that carries out the test is involved during its performance, which may affect the final result significantly. The thread rolling test is the most commonly used method to determine the plastic limit (PL) in soils.